Do you have an active Facebook group with at least 1000 members and want to earn extra money or organize something fun for your group members? Plantedbox can sponsor your Facebook group!
PlantedBox is looking for Facebook groups with one or more of the following characteristics:
Sounds like your Facebook group? Then sign up below to have your group sponsored.
I will personally reply to your application.
In exchange for promoting my products, you will receive a nice commission for each sale that goes through your Facebook group. How does it work? It’s easy: you will receive a personalized link from me via which your group members will be redirected to the PlantedBox shop and can order as usual.
But… for every order placed through that link, you’ll receive a commission of up to 25% of the order. You can then put this amount into a “piggy bank” for your group to organize a fun event, a contest, a group purchase, …
An example.
“Aquarium Group Waterworld” is a Flemish & Dutch aquarium group. Every month the admins publish an ad with a PlantedBox product to create traffic to the webshop. For each order that goes through the link of that ad, a “group pot” is filled that is later used for a fun group purchase.
PlantedBox wants to help aquarists in their fight against algae by combining the right advice with the right products. Download one of the free e-books, read my useful tips on the blog and order the products to combat algae.
Together we will make short work of algae and improve plant growth in your aquarium.