
The name says it all, this all-in-one aquarium fertilizer contains everything in one bottle: potassium, phosphate, nitrate, iron, magnesium, …
Your aquarium plants will love it.

• Dosing is super easy & clearly indicated
• Everything in 1 bottle: cheap & only 1 bottle instead of 5
• All necessary nutrients for more color & stronger growth
• Can be dosed both weekly and daily
• Completely safe for shrimps and fish
• Guaranteed not to cause algae
• Certified by the European Union
• Free advice via the blog, e-mail and e-books

Dosing is very simple: just squeeze until the chamber fills, pour and you’re done! The dosage is formulated so that your plants get everything they need for healthy, strong plant growth.

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Highly concentrated

Safe for shrimp & fish

All in 1 bottle

Gemakkelijke setup

Easy to use

EU certified

What does All-in-One mean?

Do you know the real reason for algae in an aquarium? A nutrient deficiency.

When there is a nutrient deficiency, your aquarium plants start to grow poorly, which eventually leads to algae. That can’t be the intention, right? If you want a healthy planter, you will have to provide sufficient and proper nutrients for your aquarium plants.

Fortunately, with my All-in-One fertilizer this has become child’s play.

All-in-One is a complete aquarium fertilizer which contains all the important minerals for your aquarium plants in one bottle: nitrate, phosphate, iron, potassium, trace elements, etc. You can be sure that your plants will receive all the nutrients they so desperately need and that they will grow abundantly.

1 bottle, 1 dosage, 2x cheaper

The handy thing about my All-in-One aquarium fertilizer? You really have all nutrients in 1 bottle. Not just nitrate, potassium and phosphate, but also all the important trace elements.

The big advantage for you and your aquarium plants: it is no longer necessary to buy 5 different bottles to fertilize your aquarium, with 1 dose you are good for a whole week. That saves space, time and money. Do the math.

“Do I really need all those nutrients?”, I can see you thinking now. Yes you do. Especially with high aquarium lighting or a large number of plants, your tank needs these important nutrients. Without sufficient nutrients they will grow badly. And poorly growing aquarium plants causes algae. You don’t want that, do you? So make sure you have sufficient nutrition with All-in-One. That way, your plants can grow healthily without the risk of algae.

Do you use less light or have few plants? Then just dose less. It’s that simple.

If you still prefer to measure and dose everything separately, then you can take a look at the Estimative Index kit.

Down with algae, welcome healthy plants

How often have you found yourself in a situation where you thought: “am I actually adding enough fertilizer”, “won’t I get algae if I dose this” or “isn’t this harmful to my fish”?

Well, with my All-in-One aquarium fertilizer you don’t have to worry about any of those things … This complete aquarium fertilizer is in fact formulated in such a way that your aquarium plants will never have a nutritional deficiency. What’s more, all PlantedBox fertilizers are EU-certified by the Belgian federal FASFC. So you know that you can dose without risk to your fish or shrimp.

Finally, All-in-One does not contain any substances that can cause algae. So your plants can continue to grow without any problems and you can fully enjoy a healthy tank.

And that’s what you want, right?

Improve plant growth within 2 weeks: free advice

Do you have questions about the growth of your aquarium plants? Is algae a problem? As a customer of PlantedBox, you will receive free advice tailored to your tank via the blog, my e-books or via e-mail.


Can I also dose All-in-One daily?

That is certainly possible. Standard dosing is once a week, but if you prefer to dose daily or several times a week then that’s also perfectly possible. You then simply have to divide the weekly dosage by the number of days on which you want to dose.

How much should I add of my All-in-One fertilizer?

That depends on the lighting and planting you have and whether you already add CO2 or not. Below is an easy overview of the dosage:

  • Little light/plants – no CO2: 10ml / 100l of aquarium water per week
  • Lots of light/plants – yes CO2: 30ml / 100l of aquarium water per week

A dose of 30ml on 100 liters of aquarium water gives a value of 0.50ppm Fe, 15ppm nitrate and 1.5ppm phosphate. Ideal for all your plants!

How long will 1 bottle last?

One bottle will last you 6 to 8 months for a tank of about 100 liters (larger dose).

How long can I store All-in-One?

The All-in-One “Estimative Index” has an unlimited shelf life as long as it is kept tightly sealed and stored in a cool, dark place. However, once the seal is opened, I cannot make any legal guarantees about the shelf life because I no longer have control over how the product is stored. So make sure it is kept tightly sealed and out of sunlight and heat so that you can continue to use it to its full potential!

It is possible that a little “dust” forms on the bottom. This does not affect the quality of the product and dissolves back if you shake it for a while.

Does this stuff cause algae?

No, this all-in-one aquarium fertilizer does not cause algae.

If you do have algae, it is because your CO2 is not right or you have too much decaying material in the tank. Please refer to my blog, e-books or guides for advice & tips on how to solve this.

Is this a complete fertilizer?

Yes, complete is really complete here, meaning a mix of trace elements, macro elements (NPK) and secundary elements (e.g. magnesium). This is in contrast to other fertilizers which are supposedly complete, but are only a mix of trace elements.

With my All-in-One aquarium fertilizer you do not need to add any other nutrients (e.g. nitrate, phosphate, …) because it is already in the bottle. A good CO2 system can give a boost though.

Can I add additional iron?

All-in-One already contains a lot of iron for your plants, but if you want to add more than that’s perfectly possible. I do recommend not to mix it in the bottle itself but to add it directly to the aquarium. You can use my iron fertilizer for this.

Is this stuff toxic to my fish or shrimp?

No, not at all. This product has been extensively tested and has no impact whatsoever on the well-being of your critters under normal use.

Won't the phosphate clump together with the iron?

No, not with this fertilizer. How that is possible is of course my secret 😉

What is the content of All-in-One?

“Nutrient solution of primary nutrients, secondary nutrients and/or micronutrients for aquarium plants.”

Each dose of 30ml on 100 liters of water gives an iron value of about 0.50ppm (EDTA), a nitrate value of 15ppm and a phosphate value of 1.5ppm.

For the guaranteed analysis performed by SGS and EU, please refer to the label on the bottle.


I hesitate between this one and the All-in-One "Lean Dosing"?

This All-in-One is ideal if you want to follow the Estimative Index or the Redfield Ratio. It is also ideally suited for Dutch tanks with strong planting. The following infographic can help.

What do others say about All-in-One?